Sunday, May 16, 2021

BEST Free App That Pays You Instantly (iOS & Android) | Make Money Online


 paid directly to my PayPal account. And now,  
I can spend that money on whatever I want to. And  I personally like to spend my money on traveling,  
new experiences, and good books that will  improve the quality of my life. Now, what  
would you do with money made from these apps?  Let me know in the comments down below. Now,  
honestly, I don't like to wait at all. Like, I  always wanna see results immediately, and that's  
why I wanna share with you two different apps that  will pay you instantly so you don't have to wait  
around. And the second app is my favorite app,  and you're definitely going to love it because  
it can definitely make you quite a bit of money  online. So, if you do appreciate that, then make  
sure to drop a like to this video, leave a thumbs  up, and once again, leave a comment down below  
so you can let me know what would you do with  money made from these apps. And also, we're trying  
to get to 2,000 likes in this video, so just tap  the like button down below. With that being said,  
grab your phone, connect to the internet, and  let's jump into my phone so I can explain you  
exactly how these two apps actually work. Now,  unfortunately, none of these apps will make you  
rich, and you can't make any significant amount  of money using these apps, and that's why I wanna  
share with you multiple apps which you can use.  And if you combine multiple apps, you will be able  
to maximize your results and then earn some decent  amount of money online. So, the first app that I  
wanna share with you is called Surveytime. And  Surveytime is available for both iOS and Android.  
So right here, we have an iPhone. It's available  for iOS, but it's also available for Android. So,  
this is a Samsung right here, and it's available  for Androids as well. Now, how does Surveytime  
actually work? Well, you can see that you can  get instantly rewarded with a $1 for every survey  
you complete. And these are not boring and long  surveys, these are actually some engaging surveys  
that you will most likely have fun completing.  I will walk you through the entire process and  
I will also show you how you can maximize your  results with this app right here, how you can  
actually earn more money without completing  surveys. So, stay tuned for that. Anyways,  
you can also see that they actually have 4.5 stars  on TrustPilot, and that's really good for such a  
make money online app which means that people are  really satisfied with the amount of money and how  
the survey time actually works. And you can see  that you can actually get paid in many different  
ways. Like, you can collect some different gift  cards, but besides gift cards, you can also  
collect some real money or like PayPal money, and  you can also get Bitcoin through Coinbase. So, you  
can also acquire some cryptocurrency and get paid  instantly using Surveytime. Now, to get started  
with Surveytime, all we have to do is click on the  start now button right here, and that's gonna take  
you over to the next page where you will need to  sign up, and you can sign up by either connecting  
Facebook, Google, or Twitter, which is a lot  easier and faster because it literally requires  
only one click. And you will be immediately  signed up to Surveytime. But rather than that,  
you can also enter your email address in this box  if you wanna do it manually. So, let me show you  
how that's gonna work. So, I'm gonna type in my  email address right here. Once you enter your  
email address, just hit start now, and that's now  gonna take you over to this page, and that's now  
gonna take us to this page right here. As you  can see, I already received an email from them.  
But they will take us over to this page where as  you can see, before we start, please, we need to  
answer a few questions so they can match us with  the most relevant surveys for us. So, that means  
they will actually be sending us surveys that we  are actually interested in, something that you're  
already interested in, you just need to answer  those questions. That's why I said it's gonna be  
a really fun process of making money online, and  each survey that you complete will make you $1,  
which may not seem like a lot, but that it can  quickly add up. 10 surveys, $10, 100 surveys,  
$100. And you are also being paid instantly so  you don't have to wait around at all. You will  
instantly get paid with You can  also see that this will take like less than a  
single minute. So this takes less than a single  minute to complete, and you will stay absolutely  
anonymous while completing these surveys. So,  just hit start now. Now, we will need to enter  
our birthday, I'ma find my year right here, and  by the way, before I show you how old I am, can  
you guess it in the comments down below? I would  like to see your guess in the comments down below,  
don't cheat, don't skip ahead, but just type it  right now and I will show you in a second. So,  
I was actually born in the 2000s, and my birthday  is October 20... let me just find it right here.  
Here it is. This is my birthday. So, you will just  need to enter your own birthday and hit next. Now,  
you will need to select your gender. And finally,  I guess you just need to read the terms of service  
and privacy policy, so just read the terms, it's  really, really short. Just hit I understand,  
and hit continue. That's it. Now, you can start  making some money with Surveytime. It's really,  
really simple, and the same goes for Android  devices as well. So, the same goes for iOS devices  
and the same goes for Android devices. It's really  simple. It's gonna take you no more than a minute,  
no more than 60 seconds to sign up and start  making a dollar per each survey that you complete,  
and then instantly cash out. Now, as I promised  you, I'm gonna show you how you can earn  
more money using Surveytime by not completing  those surveys. Well, here's exactly what you  
will need to do. You will need to hit these three  dots right here, and that's gonna show you all of  
these different things and all the different  features that are available on Surveytime.  
But I want you to select affiliates right  here. So, by referring people to survey time,  
you can actually make a lot more money, and you  will not have to complete the surveys yourself.  
So yes, we can earn some extra cash completing  surveys and you can get paid instantly,  
but if you wanna make more money, then sign up  to their affiliate program. It's really simple.  
Sign up to their affiliate program, grab your  affiliate link, grab your affiliate code,  
and start sharing it with friends, family, or even  inside of different Facebook groups or different  
make money online forums. It's really easy to find  people that are interested in making money with  
their phone, because who doesn't wanna make some  extra money with their phone when it's absolutely  
free and they pay instantly? So, just leave your  affiliate link all over the internet, and start  
recollecting those referrals. And you will be able  to make a lot more money by doing that. And the  
second new app that I wanna share with you, they  will pay you instantly, is this one right here  
which is also available for both iOS and Android.  So, you can see it right here on my Samsung. It  
works right here and it works on iOS as well. You  can see that with this one, you can actually make  
a lot more money. Like, these are total estimated  monthly earnings, it's like $9,375 which is really  
a lot. And this app is actually called Cloudways.  So, you will need to go over to Cloudways,  
and this is a hosting platform. they're providing  hosting services. Now, don't worry. You don't need  
a website for this and you will not need to invest  any money into this. It's all absolutely free. All  
you have to do when you come over to Cloudways  is you need to click on these three lines at the  
top of the page. So select these three lines,  and that's gonna show you all of the features  
available on Cloudways. Now, I want you to  select affiliate right here, so you will be  
promoting this service in order to make money  with your phone and get paid instantly. Because  
not only are they offering really high commissions  but they will be paying you instantly. Like,  
get high commissions instantly on every customer  you refer. The more you refer, the more you earn,  
obviously. So you will get paid $125 per person  that you refer to this app, which is really insane  
because you can refer unlimited people. And let's  say you refer one person a day, that's over $3,000  
a month in earnings, in pure profit just from  your smartphone device. Whether you have an iOS or  
Android, it doesn't matter. And you are being paid  instantly, meaning that as soon as you get a sale,  
you can instantly go out and spend it on whatever  you prefer, which is really, really insane. They  
will allow you to double your earnings as well  and you will be earning consistently with this  
platform. If you, for example, get five customers,  that's gonna make you approximately $250 a month,  
but if you get like 50 customers, that's actually  gonna make you around $6,250 in pure profit  
every single month. Now, in order to get to that  point, you would probably need a large audience,  
you would obviously need a nice, traffic source in  order to acquire $6,000 in affiliated commissions.  
But if you only wanna earn some extra cash, what  you can simply do is you can come over to here,  
sign up to their affiliate programs, so there's  gonna be a sign up button right here. Click on  
become an affiliate, you will sign up in less than  60 seconds by entering your first name, last name,  
and all of the basic information about yourself.  You will sign up once again in less than a minute.  
you will grab your affiliate link, and you will  start sharing it with people on the internet.  
You can find people once again in social media.  Like, you can find people through Instagram,  
Facebook, YouTube as well. You can make simple  videos like what's the best hosting platform,  
and you don't have to show your face for that.  You can just create screen share videos, publish  
them on to YouTube and leave your affiliate links  in the description of those videos. And for that,  
you can get a lot, a lot of free traffic. And  you can get a lot of free traffic for a lifetime  
with YouTube. You can also share it, as I said,  in Facebook groups, on Twitter, or on different  
forums, or just go to Quora and and  find people that are asking like "What's the best  
hosting service?" "Where can we get the best  hosting?, and just leave your affiliate link  
under those questions. And you will have high  chances of getting some decent amount of sales.  
Each sale will make you $125. Keep that in  mind. You only need one person to make over $100  
a day, which is absolutely insane. So once again,  this app is called Cloudways and the previous app  
is called a Now, honestly, if I was  only relying on these apps, I would probably never  
be able to travel the world and go into vacation  every two weeks. So, if you wanna see what I  
personally do to make money online, then hit the  first link in the description down below, and that  
will show you how I run my YouTube faceless  business. Different YouTube channels where  
I'm not showing my face, where I'm not filming  my videos, where I'm not recording my voice,  
and where I'm actually not creating any of the  videos myself, how I actually run that business,  
and how I actually make money from those YouTube  channels. Not only that, but I will show you step  
by step how I build my YouTube channels, what it  takes to build a successful YouTube channel in  
2021, I will share with you the entire business  model, how to get views, how to grow quickly,  
what makes a video go viral, how to make your  videos go viral, how to get subscribers, how to  
grow quickly, how to get your channel monetized,  and much, much, much more. Everything is explained  
step by step. And I will walk you through the  entire process, click by click. And we already  
have over 2,000 students from all over the world  that are getting some incredible results. So once  
again, if you wanna check that out, that's gonna  be the first link in the description down below,  
probably for a very limited time because inside  of that program, I'm sharing with you my personal  
secret strategies for growing YouTube channels,  and I don't wanna get my own business model  
oversaturated, and I don't want everyone to use  the same strategies. So, that's probably gonna be  
very, very limited offer. Once again, the  first link in the description down below.  
I really hope you did get some value out of  this video. And if you did, don't forget to  
drop a like to it or leave a thumbs up. And  if you haven't already, then do yourself a  
favor by clicking the red subscribe button with  notifications on so you won't miss out on any of  
the new content. As always, thanks for watching  and I will see you in some of the next videos.

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